Welcome to Wabi Sabi Sjak!

Embrace Simplicity, Find Inner Peace, and a Enjoy a Little Fun Along the Way


At Wabi Sabi Sjak, I invite you to discover the beauty of simplicity and the magic of imperfection.

This website is your sanctuary for finding inner peace and relaxation amid life’s beautiful chaos—while keeping things light, like a gentle breeze on a sunny day.

On my blog, you’ll find practical tips and advice to help you manage stress, unwind, and stay zen—even when you’re juggling a busy job, family craziness, or navigating the joys (and challenges) of menopause.

My mission? To guide you toward balance and serenity, no matter how hectic life gets. Dive into my articles, and let me inspire you to create space for peace, simplicity, and a moment of joy—

because life’s too short to take too seriously!

Achieving Zen in the Workplace: How to Stay Calm and Focused

Ever feel like your office chair is a front-row seat to the chaos of a three-ring circus? You're not alone! Finding peace and productivity in the whirlwind of the workday can seem like a Herculean task. Luckily, with a few tweaks to your daily routine, you can transform your desk into an island of tranquility. Let’s explore some fun and practical tips to infuse a little zen into your work life!

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How Mindful Are Cats Really? 5 Life Lessons from Our Furry Zen Masters

Look at your cat. While you’re stressing about your overflowing inbox, bills, and that one plant you're desperately trying to keep alive, your cat is calmly lying on its back, paws in the air, as if it just finished a heavy yoga session. It glances at you with half-closed eyes that seem to say, "Chill out, human. Breathe in, breathe out... and give me some snacks." Cats, indeed, are the true mindfulness gurus, and we can learn a lot from them. So, let’s dive into five lessons our furry zen masters can teach us about mindfulness—minus the hairballs.

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Embrace Imperfection: The Beauty of Wabi-Sabi and Mindfulness

In today’s rapidly changing world, where technology and the chase for perfection are everywhere, it’s easy to feel stressed. We all try to make everything perfect—our looks, our homes, and even our social media. But by focusing on perfection, we often miss what truly matters. This is where the ancient Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi can help us. It fits perfectly with a zen and mindful lifestyle, teaching us to find peace in simplicity and to accept imperfection.

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The Power of Mindfulness: How Being Present Can Change Your Life

In the fast-paced world we live in today, many people feel stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the present moment. We often rush from task to task, constantly moving, with our minds wandering between past regrets and future worries. But there is a way to find peace amidst the chaos: mindfulness. This simple yet profound practice allows us to return to the present, to the here and now, where life truly unfolds.

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How Mindful Are Dogs? 5 Lessons to Learn Mindfulness from Your Dog

Dogs are the true Zen masters of the animal world. They live in the present moment, react instantly to their surroundings, and have a wonderfully simple outlook on life. While we humans get tangled up in thoughts about tomorrow's to-do list or last week's awkward conversation, dogs are happily living their best lives—right here, right now. So why not take a page from their playbook? In this blog, I’ll share five lessons we can learn from our four-legged mindfulness gurus.

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Menopause and Wabi-Sabi: Embracing the Beauty of Change and Imperfection (With a Playful Wink)

Menopause – a word that often triggers the same reaction as "tax season" or "tick bite." It's a phase in every woman's life that is sometimes met with trepidation. But what if we embraced this period with a touch of humor and a healthy dose of wabi-sabi, the Japanese philosophy that celebrates the beauty of imperfection and impermanence? Let’s explore how you can turn menopause into a wabi-sabi wonder, all while keeping your sense of humor intact.

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Staying Zen at Work: How to Maintain Calm and Focus in a Busy Workplace

In today’s fast-paced work environment, staying calm and focused can feel like a constant challenge. With demanding workloads, tight deadlines, and the daily juggle of interpersonal dynamics, maintaining inner peace is essential—not just for your sanity but for your productivity too. By weaving mindfulness and a few simple strategies into your workday, you can stay zen and efficient.

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Mindfulness and Menopause: Ten Tips for Inner Peace

Menopause can be a time of profound change and challenge, both physically and emotionally. It often brings with it feelings of uncertainty and stress. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool to navigate this period with more balance and calm. By consciously paying attention to the present moment, you can better manage the challenges of menopause and find inner peace.

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