Menopause and Wabi-Sabi: Embracing the Beauty of Change and Imperfection (With a Playful Wink)

Menopause – a word that often triggers the same reaction as "tax season" or "tick bite." It's a phase in every woman's life that is sometimes met with trepidation. But what if we embraced this period with a touch of humor and a healthy dose of wabi-sabi, the Japanese philosophy that celebrates the beauty of imperfection and impermanence? Let’s explore how you can turn menopause into a wabi-sabi wonder, all while keeping your sense of humor intact.

Understanding Wabi-Sabi

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese term that, honestly, is as difficult to define as finding a comfortable sleeping position during a hot flash. It’s about appreciating life’s imperfections and transience – something we can all benefit from when our bodies decide it’s time for a "midlife makeover." Instead of trying to turn back the clock, wabi-sabi invites us to savor the charm of the imperfect and embrace the beauty of change.


Menopause: A Wabi-Sabi Life Stage

Menopause and wabi-sabi are a match made in heaven. Here are some ways this life stage and philosophy intersect – and how you can navigate it with a smile.

1. Accepting Impermanence (or Why You Can Finally Ditch Those Skinny Jeans)

Menopause is your body’s subtle (or not-so-subtle) hint that things are changing. Maybe those favorite jeans don’t fit like they used to, or you don’t feel as energetic as you did twenty years ago. But rather than mourn, channel your inner wabi-sabi and appreciate the changes. Those tight jeans? Donate them, and enjoy lounging in comfortable clothes.

Wabi-Sabi Insight: Consider this the perfect opportunity to invest in those soft, stretchy pants you’ve always wanted but never dared to buy. Remember: comfort is the new sexy.

2. Effortless Beauty (or How Your Makeup Routine Just Got Shorter)

During menopause, your skin might start doing things you don’t fully understand. Maybe you’re not sure where that new wrinkle came from, or your skin seems to have permanently activated a shine filter (and not in a good way). However, wabi-sabi teaches us that beauty isn’t about perfect skin or smooth lines but about authenticity and natural charm.

Wabi-Sabi Insight: Ditch the heavy makeup and embrace a more natural look. Think: "I just rolled out of bed and look fabulous," instead of "I need three layers of foundation to recognize myself." Less time in front of the mirror means more time for coffee. Win-win!

3. Living in the Present (or Enjoying the Little Things, Like Not Being Woken Up by Kids at Midnight)

Menopause can be a time when you reflect on the past or worry about the future. But wabi-sabi and mindfulness encourage you to appreciate the now. For example, enjoying the fact that you no longer have to wake up in the middle of the night because your kids had a nightmare. Instead, you now wake up for your own "personal sauna session" (also known as a hot flash). 

Wabi-Sabi Insight: Use those sleepless nights to finally finish that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for months. Or take a moment to appreciate the cool side of the pillow against your face. It’s the little things that make life beautiful.

4. Embracing Change (or Why Autumn Has Become Your New Favorite Season)

Change can be tough, especially when it feels like your body is writing its own rules. But wabi-sabi reminds us that change is an essential part of life – just like the autumn leaves that turn beautiful colors before they fall. Menopause isn’t the end, but a new beginning full of possibilities (and excuses to leave those annoying trends behind).

Wabi-Sabi Insight: See menopause as your personal autumn. It’s a time to reinvent yourself and surround yourself with what makes you happy – like cozy sweaters, herbal teas, and the freedom to say "no" to anything that no longer serves you.

5. The Power of Imperfection (or Why It’s Okay to Forget Where You Put Your Keys Sometimes)

No one is perfect, and that includes your memory during menopause. Maybe you forget where you left your keys or why you went to the grocery store (hint: probably for chocolate). But instead of beating yourself up, embrace your inner wabi-sabi and accept that life is messy. 

Wabi-Sabi Insight: Laugh at your little mistakes and see them as proof that you’re human, not a robot. And if you really can’t find your keys, maybe it’s a sign that it’s time for a walk – without the car.


Menopause is a time of transformation, but with a touch of humor and the wabi-sabi philosophy, it can also be a time of joy and self-discovery. Remember that the changes you’re going through are a natural part of life, and there’s beauty in every wrinkle, every hot flash, and every moment of confusion.

Instead of trying to turn back the clock, embrace the beauty of the present – even if that means standing in the kitchen in the middle of the night, searching for that piece of chocolate you promised yourself.

This is your wabi-sabi moment: imperfect, temporary, and absolutely beautiful!



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